Viajar sozinho pelo Brazil ...

"When you travel, you experience, in a very practical way, the act of rebirth. You confront completely new situations, the day passes more slowly. So you are like a child just out of the womb. You begin to attach much more importance to the things around you because your survival depends upon them. You begin to be more accessible to others because they may be able to help you in difficult situations. And you accept any small favour from the gods with great delight, as if it were an episode you would remember for the rest of your life."


Batucada em Salvador

Festejos final de ano em João Pessoa

Salvador After Party

Final Campeonato estadual futebol

Capoeira em Manaus

Natal em Natal

Lenda do Pai Inácio

Salvador Musical

Che Lagarto Interactions

Salvatore in action

O maior Cajueiro do Mundo

Dia 1 na Chapada Diamantina

Salvador Street Party

Music on the streets of Fortaleza

Dia 2 na Chapada Diamantina

Quixada Driving Lessons

Dia de Natal em Pipa

Dia 3 na Chapada Diamantina

Manaus Carnival Cultural Show

The “Amazónia episode” was unique and I am sure that it will remain in my memory for the rest of my life!

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Copyright 2008 | Paulo Reis